Top: School workshops provide students with hands-on activities. Above left: A mural created by students depicting the town of Newbury, Massachusetts. Above right: Giles with student's work. Bottom: 'Community,' a cut-paper mural by Giles' workshop students.
Giles has conducted artist in residence programs in elementary and middle schools throughout the northeast for the past 20 years. The residencies range from one day to one week depending on the art program selected, size of the school, and the number of participants.
Students and teachers first gather in the school library or other space in the school to hear Giles's presentation about his work as an illustrator and author and see many of his original illustrations from DOWN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS; WHAT'S INSIDE? FASCINATING STRUCTURES AROUND THE WORLD and other books he has illustrated.
Afterwards, students and their teachers gather in the art room or in their own classroom with Giles for a workshop in cut-paper art, where he gives a careful demonstration on how to make, for example, a paper house with nothing more than paper, scissors, and glue. Then the children give it a try.
Subjects for the workshops range from communities, animals, the sea, ships, insects, structures, castles, pagodas, towers, or a theme which may tie in to a classroom curriculum.
Children can make their own work to display or, in larger projects, the class collaborates to create a cut-paper mural. Kids love it! Teachers too!
Giles returns annually to many of the schools he visits and some of the murals have been framed and installed permanently in the schools.
"It (the program and workshops) was superb! The students were thoroughly engaged in the presentations . . . enthused and inspired by the workshops."
-- Bell Program at Mattahunt Elementary School
Boston, Massachusetts
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