TOP: Copperhead Snake (jacket art)
MIDDLE: Ghost Crab
BOTTOM: Praying Mantis and Walking Stick
Poems About Creatures that Hide'
Now You See Them, Now You Don't is a collection of poems by David L. Harrison, illustrated by Giles Laroche in elaborately detailed cut-paper.
The poems describe and the illustrations depict how animals are able to conceal themselves in their surroundings in various ways to fool their predators or in their own search for food.
There are three creatures for each of five groups: fish and sea life, reptiles and amphibians, mammals, insects and spiders, and birds.
"After reading David's poems I went to work on sketches for each of the creatures and a sequence of the images. I then spent several weeks gathering information about each animal, at the library, on line, and in the field.
"A trip to the Savannah Wildlife Refuge led to sightings of American alligators and great blue herons. The copperhead snake and the leaves concealing it were seen at Harris Neck State State Park in Georgia and the stone wall on the last spread is my own stone wall in New Hampshire, where mice and chipmunks often hide from raptors.
"More detailed drawings in graphite followed my research of the animals. These same drawings are what I use as a guide to make the final cut-paper relief illustrations."